Jade Punch
The Ooranga Toy Library stocks a vast array of toys for loan that are designed to support child skill development and imagination for children aged 0-6 years. Toy Libraries Australia aim to support families and encourage togetherness with quality time spent playing with children. If play is a child's work then they must also have the tools for their trade. Toys are tools that help a child to enjoy play.
The Toy Library provides an inexpensive option, through an annual membership, to enable families to borrow and try new toys that are appropriate to their child’s needs, stage of development and interest.
Ooranga Toy Library members will find a wide range of larger toys for borrowing, which can help families avoid storage of bulky toys, as well as hundreds of smaller items that can be swapped regularly to keep their children entertained. There is also a range of Sensory and Therapy resources that members can borrow for children with additional needs.
Members of the public are welcome to come in to browse the resources available with their children before they join. There is also a Mothers Room located at the Ooranga Toy Library, with a 5 star rating from the Australian Breastfeeding Association, equipped with change table and toilet facilities.
2023 - Large Toy Library Of The Year
2023 - Runner-up Librarian Of The Year
Come in to 112 Barber Street Gunnedah to browse the resources available.
Paula Jones, as the Ooranga Toy Librarian, enjoys working with children and families in the Toy Library. Paula also supports the preschool and playgroup staff with the supply of specific toys and resources to ensure diverse and stimulating experiences for children using Ooranga services.
"As a member of the Toy Library for 3 years prior to commencing employment with Ooranga, I understand the benefits that toy libraries have to offer. My goal is to assist parents in their endeavour to promote play and encourage a child’s imagination."
Printed copies of our policies are located at the Ooranga office, each preschool venue and in the playgroup van and are available to all members. Ooranga policies are developed by staff and Ooranga members in accordance to the seven areas of the National Quality Standard. The policies, along with supporting operational procedures, assist staff and members to ensure the safety of children and adults in attendance at Ooranga services and guide the provision of quality early childhood education and care.
Policies are regularly reviewed by staff and the Ooranga Management Committee. Families are encouraged to read the Policies, ask staff if they have any questions and provide any suggestions for changes to improve the quality of Ooranga services.
All staff, volunteers and members are expected to abide by the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics.
A copy of these is available at Ooranga centres or online at the ECA website.